Election Integrity Patriot “Doxxed And Castigated” In Public By Williamson County Election Commissioner

by Jason Vaughn | Tennessee Conservative News

During the Williamson County Election Commission meeting on October 18th, former Chair and recently reinstated Commissioner Robert D. “Bob” Brown conducted a mock trial to dispute election integrity concerns raised by Kathleen Harms in a recent interview with The Tennessee Conservative.

Working alongside statisticians, IT specialists, cyber security experts, and legislators, Harms discovered that, despite good intentions, the current voting systems in Tennessee contain significant vulnerabilities. Much of the evidence was presented in the interview.

Harms tells us that she was unaware she was being “doxxed and castigated” publicly by an “unelected bureaucrat,” all with FOX News cameras rolling.

She tells us that Brown, a Republican,  was “clearly irritated” by The Tennessee Conservative Interview.

“Unfortunately for him, many other election Patriots were in the audience who corrected his lack of command of the facts at every turn,” Harms said.

A friend of Harms sent her a video of the incident that she, in turn, shared with us at The Tennessee Conservative.  Watch below.

“Honestly, it was quite a vicious display of the hubris of our bureaucrats in TN,” Harms said, “This was another monstrous display of bully tactics intended to chill the voice of the people, concerned citizens and patriots.”

Ironically, while the Election Commission was taking place, Harms was in a meeting with Senator Joey Hensley (R-District 28-Hohenwald-Giles, Lawrence, Lewis, Maury, Perry and Wayne Counties) about election concerns and Commissioner Brown’s “questionable temperament” was discussed.

Harms followed up the incident with a letter to the Chair, her Senator and Representative as well as Secretary of State Tre Hargett.

The letter reads as follows:

Dear Chairman Duda,

 I am writing to address my concern about the behavior of Commissioner Bob Brown at last night’s Election Commission meeting. I began receiving calls and texts about the events that were transpiring during the meeting. This behavior was directed towards me, in my absence from the meeting, with no previous knowledge of his concerns or intentions to bring this into the Commission’s meeting. 

Mr. Brown decided to hold a hearing, with the Election Administrator as his  witness, called upon to undermine statements he disagreed with that I had made in another forum. This was conducted through a series of questions to the Administrator as if he were conducting a trial. He did this, not after first contacting me either to help him understand or to be present at his mock trial but in a deliberate attempt to present his personal characterizations and denigrate me personally with no opportunity for me to respond.  

I consider Mr. Brown’s actions to be a total breach of ethical behavior and abuse of his position on the Commission.  Not only were his statements defaming, they were also incorrect and were challenged by those in attendance that presented factual documentation that affirmed my statements. Mr.Brown publicly made statements that challenged both my credibility and veracity with the media present and filming. If my name is brought into the public arena by the media this will exacerbate an already unacceptable situation. 

If Mr.Brown has a differing opinion that is his prerogative, publicly attacking me in his position as an Election Commissioner is not. I have met with Mr. Brown in other circumstances in the past. I never had any altercation or cause to be publicly undermined in such a manner.

 Last night’s attacks were directed towards me, however Mr. Brown has displayed a general disdain for others whenever a challenge is made to policy or procedures. He is quick to lose his composure and becomes aggressive. Similar behavior was displayed at last month’s meeting with another attendee who was at least asked to be present and given the courtesy of a response to his inquisition. 

In addition, Mr.Brown recently called a Poll Watcher a liar in front of a trainee class. His behavior was so disruptive that a trainee asked him to be silent. Mr. Brown appears to believe it is his mission to publicly castigate citizens with whom he disagrees.

Beyond these incredibly disturbing acts, Mr.Brown, as recently as this week conducted himself in a manner that appears to have violated the Code of Ethics. No commissioner is to ‘do a favor for’ or engage in activity that favors a political party. This week Mr. Brown conducted a Poll Watcher Training for the WCRP, despite the availability of non-partisan poll watcher trainers that were available to the WCRP. This not only appears to violate the stated Code of Ethics it also appears to be colluding with a political party. 

In conclusion, it is important to recognize that the Williamson County Election Commission has created a very difficult relationship with the public over the past two years. With Mr.Brown’s sudden departure from the Commission in February there was hope that a change of leadership would improve communication. Commissioners, as public servants, do not represent their own interests. Sadly, the animosity to citizens has grown increasingly disturbing with the sudden return of Mr.Brown to the Commission. He has made these meetings even more hostile to the community members. Elections belong to the people, there are legitimate concerns that should not be dismissed or treated with contempt. Last night’s performance by Mr. Brown first, demands a public apology, to me and to the citizens of Williamson County.  Mr. Brown abused his public position of authority through his actions. Second, this raises serious questions regarding his continued presence on the Election Commission and the potential liability he has brought against the County. 

I look forward to a prompt response. 


Watch The Tennessee Conservative’s interview with Kathy Harms below.

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